Saturday, October 31, 2015

Snow White Alternate Design Final TurnAround!

(My brain may or may not be functioning now that I've finished this... So much work! But so worth it!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Experimental Lighting (Playing with Color being an identifier for setting)

First Take on a very well lit area (neon)

This is honestly more like club lighting... 

Home lighting, a softer more yellow (natural) light

Standing over the rift

Sharper home lighting

Alternate Designs (and a little Fanart lol!)

I want to use the mother in Treasure planet as the model for the mother in my story. And Jim, just because.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Maman, Snow and Rose Turn Arounds and (some) Gestures

Front:Side:Behind, Two Alternate Outfits and Gestures

Front:Side:Behind:3/4 Behind: Alternate Outfits from Behind and Without Hat Back:Side:Front

Snow White Front:Side:Behind and Two Gestures (Shameless Copy and Pasting!) 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Modified Line-up.... Still going

From Left to Right: Rose Red, Snow White, Maman, Sun Gold, Moon Silver, Sky Blue, Rust Red, Lilac Purple, Ivy Green, Raven Black, Bear, Poppy Pink, Coral Pink, Mother (Catherine).

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Baby Moon Silver Concepts

Moon Silver Concepts: Round 1

More Concepts! (Should go to Bed...)

Maman Concepts: Round 3

Rose Red Concepts: Round 2

Rose Red Concepts: Round 3
Well I think I've found my favorites... Hopefully. The Third iteration of Maman looks great, the same for Rose. I'm really liking the idea of a drape scarf connected to the gas mask. I also like the built of layers that I've created. (Was totally not watching Bollywood while doing Maman lol).

Finally! Rose Red Alternates

  I'm really starting to fall in love with the sweat-shirt design for some reason... Pants are such a pain!

Random Concepts

Bedroom/Brothel Concept

Raven Black Profile and Gas Mask

Rose Red Alternate

Rose Red Alternate

Moon Silver Concept

Maman and Snow Alternate Designs

Maman Concepts: Round 2

Snow Concepts: Round 2

Snow Concepts: Round 3

Snow Concepts: Round 4
   I am kind of torn between #1 and #2 on the Maman sheet, the longer hair seems to be working. I also like the fourth and second rounds for Snow.