Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Notes on Rose Red and Snow White

   Rose Red is one of the oldest in the crew. She has two half siblings, an older brother and a younger sister. Snow White is her younger sister. Raven Black is only a year older than Rose, it is often thought to be her twin. Gavin is Snow White's father. Richard is Raven's and Rose's Father. There mother is Catherine Wright. Ivy Green's mother is Sarah Pullut. Sun Gold, Moon Silver, Poppy Pink and Chestnut Tan's mother is Wildiana Romero. Lilac Purple, Ocean Blue and Peach Pink's mother is Theresa Calder. Sky Blue and Rust Red's mother is Diane Fossey. Most are rarely ever fathered by the same man. Rose and Raven are one of the rare exceptions along with the twins, Sun Gold and Moon Silver. There is some confusion and tension between the mother's as to whom is Red, Blue and Pink. Some are rather irritated that they were copied, but it is a minor nuisance. Most of the time, the women get along famously. The others that come and go are the only ones that cause issues, they are a tight knit family, aside from the Maman. Gavin is the man that Rose suspects is Snow White's father, he is a kind man and is invested in their family first rather than his own interests. Though the story is subject to his fear of loss and commitment. He loves their little family, but has had one before and lost it all. He fears that if he helps Cat and her children, take them in, something terrible will occur.
 The story seems to revolve around Rose and her desire to save enough money to buy her mother out of the brothel. Rose is given the choice to become like her mother, but chooses to be kicked out every night while the brothel is in business. The older children have to go find work of there own to supplement enough to pay for their apartments and the food. Since their mothers are getting older, they are not making as much money. Though they are well taken care of and are very healthy/pretty. Catherine had Raven Black when she was sixteen. She is thirty-two at the beginning of the story. The children that are forced to leave during business hours are Rose, Raven, Ivy, Lilac, Sky, Rust and Chestnut.

 "A child for every color of the rainbow." An inside joke from all the mothers.
Catherine is the second oldest, Wildiana is the oldest, Diane the third and Sara is the fourth. Theresa is the fifth, the youngest.

 Rose Red: Fifteen y/a: Female
 Raven Black: Sixteen y/a: Male
 Snow White: Ten y/a: Female
 Ivy Green: Fourteen y/a: Female
 Sun Gold: Twin to Moon, Seven y/a: Female
 Moon Silver: Twin to Sun, Seven y/a: Male
 Lilac Purple: Fourteen y/a: Female
 Sky Blue: Fifteen y/a: Male
 Poppy Pink: Eight y/a: Female
 Rust Red: Eighteen y/a: Male
 Peach Pink: Four y/a: Female
 Chestnut Tan: Seventeen y/a: Male
 Ocean Blue: Five y/a: Male

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