Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rose Red and Snow White Mood Boards: Round One

Mood Board for the City
   For the city, I envision a crowded place. It's stacked and grown over the ruins of older generations, as to rise above the layer of fog. It's punctuated and strung by lights and creaky, grated pathways. There are suspension bridges out of old disconnected power lines and lifts that are cranked by hand. Lights will play an important role in the story. Yellow light is usually warm and inviting. White is harsh and dangerous. Red is also dangerous, the corners can still be black. Green and blue are almost sickly, but they hold an air of mystery and intrigue. By using a light vocabulary I believe I can engage and train the viewer to expect certain outcomes in settings with certain lighting. I would also like to break expectation to keep them on their toes.

Mood Board for Characters
   For the general look of the characters in the world I wanted to make a stark difference between what people wear indoors and what people wear outdoors. Outdoors, they need to wear heavy gear and fur in order to be prepared for the cold and any survival situation they may encounter. Weapons are usually within the blade spectrum, guns are hard to make and keep together. The occupation can be displayed with the location and type of harnesses or armor on the character. ex. Salvagers need climbing harnesses and knee guards. Indoors, the style is reminiscent of India. The wear a lot of wrapped and draped clothes because it is easier to maintain and sewing is harder to do without the supplies. Most of the color palettes are subdued. I want to add some flashes of color for the main crew as to give viewers something to cue into. 

Mood Board for the Brothel
   I wanted to give the brothel a crowded, eclectic, but homey feeling. I felt that the blue walls were a really good choice to add a soothing atmosphere to the interior. I might go with something closer to a maroon, more for a warm inviting feeling, but the blue seems right. Unlike the photos, I want all the buildings to have cleaner air, so they have air conditioning and close-able doors. So it must be pretty air tight, but I wanted to keep the layers of grid metal and stone work on-top.  

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