Saturday, November 7, 2015

Races of Demons: Mood Boards

 Grey Demons
Blue Demons

Red Demons

White Demons
My concept for the races of demons was influenced by my interpretation of the aspects of death. I find that there are key emotions and ideas behind death. There is a Purity and Power in a new beginning (White/Pale), Celebration and Hope in the departure (Red/Pink), Sadness and Love for what was left behind (Blue/Purple), and there is Loss and Fear for what was taken and what is to come (Grey/Black)
Though the individuals are not defined by the emotions that shaped their race. These races are also free to intermingle, though their children are one color.
There are various tones and shades within the race itself. Eye and hair color is pretty wide for each race. Though all of their eyes have a glow and their hair tend to be within a similar tone.
Aside from color, they all have varying sized horns at the hairline on the forehead. The horns will match skin tone.
Tattooing is not uncommon as it is allows the user to have constant access to a set of runes or spells. Ink on the flesh as a special power in the Underworld.
Humans beware of your tattoos before you enter the Underworld's depths.
Like the main character, I want the costumes for all the demons to change with the adjacent time and space. Styles of towns and cities will also be affected.

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