Sunday, September 20, 2015

Story Board: Take Three

Yet Another Story Board
  So I actually started to think about the story this time when I went about building my third story-board. I wanted to add a layer of cinematic lighting and perspective. Sorry for the super-sketchies.
 (Starting from upper left corner): An shot from the inside to the balcony, Rose overlooking the lighted city.
Top right hand corner: Cut to city scene, Rose's silhouette. Want to give a real feeling for the setting and it's mood/sound/warm appeal.
Middle Left: Cut to close up of Rose. Establish the gas mask, poor air quality. Her identity is still a little sketchy at this point, but we see that she is bleeding on her face. She had gotten hurt on the Lines earlier that day and is dreading showing her mother.She won't come inside until Snow prods her to do so.
Middle Right: A scene of the Maman telling Rose off about their rent. That she shouldn't hang around if she didn't want the rent to spike.
Lower Left: Cut to the Crew (The Brothel Kids) They are all getting ready to leave for the day, factory work, lines, salvaging, courier etc. Give a shot of the city far off. Add sense of layering.
Lower Right: Cut to far view of the city, how the smog/fog is rising from below and how it's engaging the different colored lights. Like an island rising out of ocean mist.

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