Monday, September 21, 2015

Rough Character Mood Boards

Rose Mood Board:
   For Rose's design I want to have a punkish look. I want her to have dark hair to show her heritage (most likely from an Asian area) and a half shave style for her hair. I want to play on her duality, edgy but gentle. The world is heavily influenced by Indian culture and Asian culture in general, so I want to have a drape and wrap style as well. There is a difference in clothing as far as what one will wear inside and what one will wear outside. There is a lot of heavy gear that is important in going outside, this is usually more reminiscent of previous era's in history (21st century etc.) The gas mask is a very important element in outer wear. Inside wear is more reflective of India, reference photo in lower right hand corner. Fur is a big element for outside and inside clothing because of how cold the world has become. Fur is something very valuable and important to a family, it is often passed down from generation to generation. Not that everything else isn't, recycling and reusing is a ongoing and an increasingly more creative process. There are some elements of armor that I wanted to add, but only to the effect that she can be identified as a Liner or Salvager (someone who descends into the lower levels to retrieve valuable items. Guns are almost non-existent at this point in Earth's history, they are too expensive for most and it is generally easier to fashion and sharpen a blade.

Bear and Mother Mood Board:
   I can honestly say that the Bear character and the Mother are lovers. Even though he is there and paying for her company, they are very much invested in each other (not just sexually). I wanted to make Bear gruff and stocky, a little intimidating, but not too much so. His personality is very easygoing, but he's prepared to do what it takes to survive or protect what he wants. He has a beard, mustache and is graying a little on the sides of his hair, though he is not much older than thirty-five. I want to say that the mother and her family are his treasures. The mother is definitely a softer character with more of the Indian influence that I mentioned earlier. Imagine having her be more natural and warmer than the other characters, even her own children. She has longer curly hair, longer hair is a signal for those that do not leave the home often. She is an older character for this world, but she is still very beautiful/attractive. Usually clients want younger women, so she is feeling the pressure of having fewer clients.

The Children Mood Board:
   There are quite a few children that I wanted to develop for my work. All of which are named after colors. This board is to display the diversity of the children. The other girls tend to be more tame and feminine than Rose is. The boys range from collected to scruffy. I hop to maybe make more specific boards for each. But for now, the general synopsis.

Snow White and Raven Black Mood Board:
   Snow White is characterized by a much lighter palette and a softer structure. Her hair will most likely be blonde and shoulder length. I want to model her after my own younger sister and have her be the purest character in the story (aside from the other younger girls and boys). She generally stays inside and is kept safe by the family. I want her to be teaching herself basic circuitry, so she could be hired at a shop somewhere in the city. All of the siblings provide her with the tools and materials she needs in order to further her studies. She has learned how to read diagrams and has a few books that are showing her how to build basic machines. If she does manage to get hired on, she will be able to support all of them (in conjunction with the other siblings working). Raven Black is another major character, he is Rose's older brother. I wanted to give him a sharp and dark look. I'm definitely playing on the punk style. There are more fur accents on his outdoor clothes because he is the eldest son of their house. He is able to carry much more than the others, but doesn't need to usually because he works at the factory and not on the lines anymore (he's too heavy to be lowered with their strength cables). I liked the idea that Rose and Raven could be mistaken for twins, they are only a year apart. Raven has a similar shaved hair style, though on both sides of his head. He also has an artistic side, as he's painted fangs on his gas-mask. I believe he would carry more than one weapon of his own fashioning. He has concealed knives in the folds of his vest.

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